The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is the culmination exam for Singaporean primary school students in Year 6. Upon achieving their scores in this exam, students progress to government secondary schools. PSLE results directly determine the ranking of schools students can enter, the type of classes assigned, and the combination of subjects studied, making it a pivotal stage in adolescent development. PSLE serves as a transparent platform where academically accomplished students have the opportunity to gain direct entry into prestigious or top-tier schools. It is essential for parents and students to grasp this opportunity and strive for high scores in the exam to secure a place in renowned institutions.
Miles’ PSLE preparation course offers training in the following subjectsEnglish, Science, Mathematics, and Chinese.
PSLE Scoring System
AL Acheivement Level |
Raw Mark Range |
1 | 90 – 100 |
2 | 85 – 89 |
3 | 80 – 84 |
4 | 75 – 79 |
5 | 65 – 74 |
6 | 45 – 64 |
7 | 20 – 44 |
8 | < 20 |
The higher the score a student achieves in each PSLE subject, the lower their corresponding grade point. For example, if a student scores 86% in English, they would receive 2 grade points. PSLE consists of four subjects, so the maximum grade points a student can achieve is 4, and the minimum is 32.
Course Commencement Dates: Courses start every month throughout the year with ongoing enrollment.
Course Duration: 6 months / 12 months (based on enrollment and class placement timing).
Course Arrangement: Tailored planning based on student assessment results and specific subject reinforcement needs.
Teaching Format: Classes are conducted either online or in-person, in small groups or one-on-one sessions.
- Government school students in Primary 5 or Primary 6
- Private school students in Primary 5 or Primary 6